On 23rd August 2021 in a Roman Catholic hall of Saint Famille Hotel at Kigali, protestant church leaders from different denominations and theologians from different protestant universities in Rwanda meet for connecting theology and the word of God in local churches. How to link the message of God and human needs. What would be the contribution of churches in helping people and communities to overcome poverty and oppression? What would be the link between the social responsibility of the churches and the word of God?
In this gathering financed by Tearfund Rwanda, it is was clear for church leaders and theologians that; to focus on one area only to the exclusion of others would leave a gap within our institutions. Focusing only on spiritual need without paying attention to the physical and social need would leave communities in a desperate situation. It is the transformation of human life in all its dimensions, both on the individual level and on the community level which will impact the church. The local church is called to demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God among the kingdoms of this world, not only by what it says, but also by what it is and by what it does in responding to the humans needs on every side.
The Anglican Archbishop Laurent Mbanda recognized that for transforming any challenges there is a need of starting with a radical change of the personality from the heart according to what apostle Paul says for becoming scrupulously honest new man (2 Corinthians 15:12). Any leader who doesn’t change will not impact the Church.With the transformation of the church leader, the Church will start to be a light for people and the society. This will be a starting point of liberating people from poverty and the church will also be self-reliant financially.
It was reminded that theological institutions play a central role in the global transformation. Training church members in faculties of theology is an intrinsic part of integral mission. It is not an extra interest, that why theologians requested deeply the church leaders for owning faculties of theology in Rwanda. Theological reflection and the life of the church are intrinsically linked. They are part of the churches and helping the church to grow. Strengthening that relation will avoid the disconnection between churches and faculties of theology.Integral mission is not a special activity for only church leaders and theologians it a mission for all church members it inviting all of us to act and to speak up for what is just and right, and to tackle all challenges of the global poverty, hunger and disease and we should live responsibly in our use and care of creation. All of us are to be ready to bear witness to our faith for the visible transformation from our local churches for becoming the light in the darkness.