A Bakery Owner Gave The Beggar Food Every Day… But He Never Said Thank You. (The End Of The Story Is Great.)

Hi, this is a story of Natalie, Natalie had a small bakery in a village. She always baked one or two extra pieces of bread. She gave the extra loaves of bread to the beggars that passed by. Every day, an old beggar came and took away the bread. instead of saying thank you, he always muttered: “The evil you do remains with you, the good you do come back to you. This went on for weeks. Every day, the same beggar, picked up the bread and uttered the words: “the evil you do remains with you, the good you do come back to you. The woman got irritated with the same words every day. The beggar never expressed a word of gratitude. “Not even a single Thank you!” The woman thought to herself. every day this beggar utters this bullshit! What does he mean? One day, the woman had enough of it. I must get rid of this ungrateful beggar. She thought. she poisoned the bread that she had prepared for the beggar. She saw the beggar coming from the distance. She was about to give the poisoned bread to the beggar. But at the last moment, she thought to herself, what the hell am I doing? She threw the poisoned bread into the fire. She gave the beggar a normal bread. As usual, the beggar came, picked up the bread, and muttered the words: “The evil you do remains with you, the good you do come back to you. The woman was irritated again. Huh! Still, no thank you. She thought. I should have given him the poisoned bread. That evening the woman heard knocking on her door. As she opened it, she saw her son standing. Her son had been missing for years. He looked thin and lean. His clothes were torn and dirty. Her son said, Mom, I finally found my way back home. I was just two miles away from home. I was on my way. But my body collapsed on the road as I was too hungry to continue. A miracle saved me from dying. An old beggar saved my life today. He gave me a whole bread and said this is what I eat every day. Today. You eat it because today your need is greater than mine. Then he said these words as he passed by. the evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you. After listening to her son, the woman's face turns pale... Her hands were shaking. she thought about the poisoned bread that she had made that morning. Had she given the poisoned bread to the beggar… Her son would have eaten that bread. She wouldn't have found her son back alive. That day she realized the true value of the line. The evil you do remains with you. The good you do come back to you.
Written by: HIMBAZA Hyves